Using ChatGPT for SEO

ChatGPT has been around for quite some time now, and many have used this OpenAI tool, including SEOs. In this post, we wanted to share how you can use ChatGPT to ease some of your SEO workflow.

Using ChatGPT Code Interpreter for SEO Analysis

The code interpreter is available for ChatGPT plus users and can run even the most complex SEO analysis. In this example, we will use Google Search Console page performance data.

First, export your search performance data from Google Search Console to CSV format. Upload the CSV to ChatGPT and add this prompt:

You are an SEO expert, analyze these data from the Google Search Console performance report and share the five most actionable insights from the data.

You can also get a piece of more specific information from the data without effort using this prompt:

Share five pages that lose the most impressions while the ctr and avg position are almost the same.

Feeling lazy? You can ask ChatGPT to develop a graphic if you want more.


Using this URL categorization, show the bar graph of category pages performances (clicks, impressions, ctr & positions).
URL containing "/milestone/" = Article
URL containing "/resep/" = Recipes
URL containing "/produk/" = Product
Set the rest of the URLs to "Others" category

You can adjust the prompt to get the results that you want.

Using WebPilot Plugins for Article Improvement

WebPilot is one of many plugins available for ChatGPT plus users. This plugin allow ChatGPT to access any pages on the web as long it is available to the public. You will need to activate the plugin on your ChatGPT Plus interface.

Here are some of the use cases for the plugin that might be useful for your SEO campaign.

Gap Analysis

Compare your article with your competitor's article and ask ChatGPT to give you the gap analysis.


You are an SEO expert specializing in content marketing.
This is article A =
And this is article B =
Article B has better search visibility for Pregnancy topics.
Analyze the two articles, and share the improvement needed for article A to compete with article B.

Article Improvement

With the same plugins, you can also improve your article based on certain guidelines. For this example, we will use Google guidelines on how to create helpful, reliable, and people-first content.

Here's the prompt

You're an expert in pregnancy-related topics with extensive knowledge of SEO.
Read and understand these guidelines from Google
Using those guidelines, show me the improvement needed for this article to be compatible with the guidelines.

ChatGPT is an awesome tool for us SEOs. We hope that this post gives you ideas on how you can enhance your SEO campaign with ChatGPT.

If you're interested in learning more about AI for SEO, join our next SEO Fighter Bootcamp 2023, where we have one complete camp on this topic.

SEORidho Putradi S'Gara