Why Businesses Need To Avoid Ranking Only KPI

Working with an SEO Agency can be a transformative step for many businesses aiming to bolster their online presence. The advantages are manifold:

  • Gaining access to extensive knowledge and experience

  • Leveraging cutting-edge technology and often

  • Achieving a more cost-effective solution than in-house efforts

However, the popular business model for agency-client relationships in SEO in Indonesia could be better. Most agencies are offering ranking-only KPI for their SEO services. It is ridiculous to think that ranking for a set of keywords can bring value to a business.

Here's a deeper dive into why this approach is fraught with challenges:

  1. No One Can Guarantee Ranking: Google's algorithms are intricate, continually evolving, and encompass hundreds of factors. As highlighted in Google's official guidelines, no one can guarantee ranking in Google search results. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Promising immediate results can set unrealistic expectations and lead to hasty, often counterproductive strategies.

  2. Neglect of Other Vital Metrics: A myopic focus on rankings can overshadow other pivotal SEO metrics. For instance, a keyword might rank well but attract a minimal volume of searches, rendering the high ranking somewhat moot. Beyond rankings, metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, page session duration, and click-through rates offer a more holistic view of a website's SEO performance. These metrics often provide actionable insights, helping businesses understand user behavior and preferences.

  3. Resorting to Unethical Practices: The pressure to achieve top rankings can push agencies to adopt questionable tactics. Dubbed 'black-hat SEO', these methods, such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, or spammy backlinks, might offer a temporary boost. However, search engines are increasingly adept at identifying and penalizing such tactics. The repercussions can range from a drop in rankings to being entirely de-indexed, a severe blow for any online business.

  4. Changing Audience Interests: The digital world is dynamic. Trends emerge user preferences shift, and technological advancements redefine search patterns. For instance, a few years ago, no one was searching for "best wireless earbuds," but today, it's a highly competitive keyword. By anchoring their strategy to a static set of keywords, businesses risk becoming obsolete, missing out on emerging trends and potential traffic.

  5. Missing Out on Bigger Opportunities: SEO is multifaceted. While keyword rankings are undoubtedly a component, they're just the tip of the iceberg. There's a world beyond rankings – voice search optimization, local SEO, schema markup, content optimization, and user experience, to name a few. Each of these elements presents unique opportunities. For instance, as voice-activated devices become more prevalent, optimizing for voice search can capture a new segment of users. Similarly, local SEO can drive foot traffic for businesses with physical locations.

In addition, the world of SEO is intertwined with content marketing, social media, and even user experience design. A comprehensive SEO strategy should encompass all these areas, ensuring that the website ranks well and offers value to its visitors, encouraging them to engage, convert, and become loyal customers.

Rankings are a pivotal aspect of SEO, but they're just one piece of the puzzle. Businesses need a panoramic view that encompasses the myriad facets of SEO. By partnering with agencies that offer a holistic approach, companies can ensure they're not just chasing rankings but building a robust, sustainable, and future-proof online presence.

SEORidho Putradi S'Gara