Creating Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content

Google's automated ranking systems prioritize content that benefits people rather than gain search engine rankings. On Google Search Essentials, the go-to place for all guides related to Google Search, there is one page about how we can publish helpful, reliable, and people-first content

Here's a deep dive into the guidelines and how to apply them to your content strategy.

The Essence of People-First Content

Google's sophisticated ranking systems prioritize content that genuinely benefits its readers. In other words, the primary goal should be to serve the audience, not just to climb the search engine rankings. So, how can you ensure your content hits the mark?

Self-Evaluation is Key

Before hitting the 'publish' button, take a moment to evaluate your content. Ask yourself:

  • Is this original and insightful?

  • Would I share or recommend this to a friend?

  • Does it provide a comprehensive view of the topic?

Seeking feedback from outside your organization can also offer a fresh perspective on the content's quality and relevance.

Expertise Matters

In an era of misinformation, establishing trust is paramount. Ensure your content:

  • Credible sources and expertise back it.

  • It is free from factual errors.

  • Provides clear evidence of the expertise involved, be it through author bios, citations, or detailed explanations.

The Golden Rule: People Over Search Engines

While SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential, it shouldn't be the sole focus. Content should resonate with real people, answering their questions and addressing their needs. If you're creating content to attract search engine visits or chase trending topics without adding real value, it's time to rethink your strategy.

Embracing E-E-A-T Principles

Google's E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) principles serve as a guiding light for content creators. Aligning with these principles is non-negotiable, especially for topics significantly impacting readers' lives. Trust, among these, stands out as the cornerstone.

Transparency in Creation

In an age where AI and automation play a significant role in content creation, transparency is crucial. If you're using AI tools or automated processes, disclose it. Readers appreciate understanding the 'how' behind the content they consume.

The Ultimate Question: Why?

Every piece of content should have a clear purpose. Are you writing to inform, entertain, educate, or inspire? If the primary reason is to rank on search engines, it's time to return to the drawing board. Content should be crafted with the reader in mind, addressing their needs and interests.

Creating people-first content is both an art and a science. By aligning with Google's guidelines and keeping the reader at the forefront, content creators can ensure their work stands out in a crowded digital landscape. Remember, in the world of content, quality always trumps quantity.

More readings: Learn how to accelerate your content organic performance on this post