SEO On Budget, How Small Medium Enterprise Can Win The Search Audiences
Small Medium Business
There's no doubt that search is the sexiest marketing channel for any marketers today. In all industries, the organic search continues to deliver the highest contribution in traffic and business growth. The volume of search and strong user intents are two of the main reasons for this.
During this pandemic situation, the search interest for SEO and related terms continues to grow. Everyone is looking at the holy grail of search domination. The search interest for "SEO agency", for example, is on the peak of popularity. Related terms such as "SEO marketing agency" is growing 200% in the last 90 days. What interesting is that today the searches are coming more from outside of Jakarta. Sub-region like Riau, Yogyakarta, North Sumatera, and Bali are on the top 5 highest search interests.
Search interest for “agensi seo” in Indonesia.
By looking at the search queries, many searches include the word "murah" (English: Cheap). But what is the best way for a small-medium enterprise to do SEO on a budget?
Host your website on a high-performance server.
You will be surprised to find out how many websites are suffering on SEO because their server is failing. Your website needs to be accessible and reliable at all times. The good thing is that today, many services are offering high-performance servers at affordable prices. Do your homework, look for customer reviews, and other relevant information before deciding which server to host your website.
If you already have your website hosted, monitor your website uptime using free tools like UpTimeRobot to keep an eye on your website accessibility. You want to avoid website downtime to maximize your SEO performance.
Uptime Robot Dashboard
Your website doesn't have to be a billion-rupiah custom-developed-website.
If you're searching on Google for any keyword, most of the websites ranked on the first page are using open source CMS like WordPress. In fact, today, many SEO experts recommend you use WordPress due to its flexibility and community support. With WordPress, you can easily install themes and plugins for your website. You can also find 5-10 Million rupiahs services to develop your WordPress website.
Focus on the user experiences while accessing your website instead of unnecessary fancy features on your website. Your website taxonomy, mobile site performance, and load speed are three things that you can focus on improving the user experiences.
Evergreen and in-depth contents
The Google Search index contains hundreds of billions of webpages and is well over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size. Many of these pages will be your competitor in search. As a marketer, we don't want to fight a battle that we cannot win.
In SEO, we do this by publishing more evergreen content on our website. Evergreen content is content that doesn't go out of date. It revolves around a topic that's always relevant to readers, regardless of the current news cycle or season.
These evergreen content need to also be in-depth in covering the topics. Study shows that in-depth content wins more search visibilities. We want to invest in content that performs, which are winning the search audiences.
Be the influencer of your content
Once you have your content published, the next step is to amplify your content for higher reach and possibilities to acquire links from relevant websites. In many cases, content amplification consumes most of the SEO campaign budget.
Hiring a PR team, engaging with influencers, and running a content promotion is expensive. What you can do to reduce these costs is by becoming the influencer of your content. Every piece of content that you published, share it with your network, forward it to your WA group, promote it on your Instagram story, and other things that you can do by yourself.
There you have it, some of our ideas on how you can run your SEO on a budget, don't forget to share your comments below.